Donate Today!
Your contributions help provide necessary services and supplies beyond physician care, such as transportation, short-term prescription assistance, and cataract lenses, to name just a few.

Make an Impact on Local Healthcare!
Your gift will help provide necessary medical treatment for medically indigent residents of Indian River County who otherwise could not afford healthcare services.
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, the Indian River County Medical Society Foundation, Inc. d/b/a We Care Foundation of Indian River, is supported by the generosity of individuals, businesses, and foundations. Please give the gift of health by donating today.
The We Care Foundation of Indian River does not sell, loan or trade names or other personal data about its donors or volunteers. All information provided is kept confidential. Read our Donor Bill of Rights for more information.
Mail Your Gift:
To make your gift by mail, download and print the Donation Acknowledgement and mail it to:
We Care Foundation of Indian River
P.O. Box 573
Vero Beach, FL 32961